Viva o melhor da vida reservado para você.

Um empreendimento no bairro Tablada

Com todos os benefícios do programa MCMV

Estrutura de condomínio completa




Um empreendimento com o
melhor do bairro Tablada.

Um empreendimento com o melhor do bairro Tablada.


1 min - Escola Nossa Sra. das Dores


2 min - Ronaldo Lanches


3 min - Stock Center


7 min - Faculdade Anhanguera


Seu bem estar
como prioridade.

2 dormitórios

Plantas com opção de sacada estendida

Infraestrutura completa de lazer.

Sacada c/churrasqueira

Cadastre-se para
mais informações.

para mais informações.

Rua Félix da Cunha, 670

(53) 8402-9112

Important Information: These details do not constitute an invitation to invest. The content published on this site by Slice App Srl is for communication purposes and does not represent financial recommendations or an offer or solicitation for the financial products contained within this site. These financial products will be offered by AQA Capital Ltd, an EU-authorized AIFM, with whom Slice App Srl has an agreement. Any expression of interest in the opportunity, such as, for example, requesting to join the waiting list or seeking clarification or expressing an intent to invest, is not binding on any of the parties. It is advisable to carefully read the prospectus, when available, before making any investment.

Rua Félix da Cunha, 670

53 8402-9112

(53) 8402-9112

Important Information: These details do not constitute an invitation to invest. The content published on this site by Slice App Srl is for communication purposes and does not represent financial recommendations or an offer or solicitation for the financial products contained within this site. These financial products will be offered by AQA Capital Ltd, an EU-authorized AIFM, with whom Slice App Srl has an agreement. Any expression of interest in the opportunity, such as, for example, requesting to join the waiting list or seeking clarification or expressing an intent to invest, is not binding on any of the parties. It is advisable to carefully read the prospectus, when available, before making any investment.

Rua Félix da Cunha, 670

(53) 8402-9112

Important Information: These details do not constitute an invitation to invest. The content published on this site by Slice App Srl is for communication purposes and does not represent financial recommendations or an offer or solicitation for the financial products contained within this site. These financial products will be offered by AQA Capital Ltd, an EU-authorized AIFM, with whom Slice App Srl has an agreement. Any expression of interest in the opportunity, such as, for example, requesting to join the waiting list or seeking clarification or expressing an intent to invest, is not binding on any of the parties. It is advisable to carefully read the prospectus, when available, before making any investment.